Disaronno International has placed its personalized communication and marketing tools for the on-trade with Menuez effective April 2022. With a customized Brand Management Platform, Menuez will support on-trade operators and representatives of Disaronno in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg in increasing the visibility and sales of various popular alcoholic beverages.

Guaranteed uniform appearance in the Benelux

By transferring the local marketing activities to Menuez, Disaronno knows for sure that a nationwide uniform appearance is guaranteed and it has more insight into the local on-trade activities, while the on-trade entrepreneurs themselves can respond flexibly to their local strategy. Joost Pronk Trade Marketing Disaronno International: “By outsourcing the design and purchasing of our promotional materials to Menuez, we professionalize the support to our local catering entrepreneurs in an efficient way. We offer them more flexibility and customization, while we gain more insight into the total promotion. By making all activities transparent centrally, we can, together with the hospitality entrepreneurs, optimally coordinate all communication activities in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg for maximum effect.”

Uniformity, quality and convenience

Geerteke Verbaten, founder Menuez International: “That Disaronno started building their own Brand Management Platform within six months of Belgium and Luxembourg coming under their management confirms their professional outlook on marketing and communications. They realize like no other how important it is to ensure a uniform appearance and at the same time offer convenience and extra service to your local partners. We hope that by working together and adding our local on- and offline marketing expertise, we can increase the engagement of all business owners and improve results.”